
  • 2023/5/23 下午 12:05:13

How Much Do Labradoodles Smell? Possible Causes & Solutions

Labradoodles, hybrid dogs bred from Labrador Retrievers and Poodles, are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and friendly personality. As a new Labradoodle owner, it is essential to understand that dogs have a unique smell, and some breeds smell more than others. While Labradoodles do not have a pungent odor compared to some breeds, they may still emit an unpleasant smell, which can be quite off-putting to some owners. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of bad odor in Labradoodles and how to prevent or mitigate the problem.

Why Do Labradoodles Smell?

Some of the reasons why Labradoodles might smell include:

1. Ear Infections

Labradoodles may be more susceptible to ear infections due to their Poodle lineage, which tends to have internal ear hair that can easily block airflow, causing moisture and bacteria buildup in the ear canal. Moreover, their droopy and long ears are more likely to trap grease, dirt, and other unwanted debris, which can produce some nasty smells inside your Labradoodle’s ear canal. To prevent this issue, it is crucial to clean your Labradoodle's ears regularly.

2. Allergies

Labradoodles can have allergic reactions to new diets, new dog shampoos, or even extreme reactions to flea infestations. Fleas can cause allergic reactions that result in excessive swelling, itching, and even irritation in the affected areas. To avoid this issue, make sure you groom your dog regularly and check for fleas.

3. Dental Issues

Like all dog breeds, Labradoodles can have bad breath caused by plaque buildup and bacteria trapped in their gums. To avoid dental issues and the resulting bad odor, offer your Labradoodle chew toys and dental treats specifically designed to clean your dog's teeth.

4. Gas from Diet

If your dog is passing frequent and foul-smelling gas, this could be a sign that you need to change your dog's diet. Fresh foods are an excellent alternative because they lack the ingredients and additives found in most commercially produced dog foods that can exacerbate the foul smell. Offer your dog a diet that includes meat as the primary ingredient.

5. Dirty Coat

Labradoodles are notorious for spending most of their time outdoors, rolling around in muddy water, and getting dirty. If the foul odor comes from your dog's coat, a good bath and grooming session should take care of the smell.

6. Anal Glands

If you notice a strong and fishy smell coming off your dog, this could be due to issues in the anal glands. You should take your Labradoodle to the vet to look into the issue.

How to Prevent or Stop Your Labradoodle From Smelling

To prevent or mitigate the problem of a smelly Labradoodle, consider the following:

1. Proper Grooming Practices

Grooming is the easiest way to get rid of the pungent smell from a dog. Proper grooming techniques for the Labradoodle involve brushing its coat with a high-quality brush to get rid of debris and mats. After brushing, give your dog regular baths. Experts recommend bathing your dog every month. Dry your dog's coat entirely after bathing, as any residual moisture can make your grooming efforts null and void.

2. Air Fresheners

Use air filters and fresheners to eliminate odors in the areas your dog frequents. You can use an automated air freshener or an electric air filter that gets rid of odor, dust, and other chemicals from your home.

3. Clean Your Dog's Favorite Areas in Your House

Clean your house frequently, removing any leftover hair and debris from your dog's grooming and play sessions to help mitigate odors. Vacuum or sweep your house regularly or hire a professional cleaning service to help you keep your home clean and odor-free.


Labradoodles are mild stinkers, and their odor is not as offensive as you might expect. If your Labradoodle smells bad, the cause might be underlying health issues like dental problems, ear infections, or issues with the anal glands. However, you can prevent or mitigate the bad smell by grooming your dog properly, using air fresheners, and cleaning your house regularly. Remember to consult your veterinarian if the odor persists or if it is due to a medical issue.

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