
  • 2023/5/20 上午 09:17:06

Apricot Labradoodle: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)


The Apricot Labradoodle is a gorgeous and sought-after coat color found in the Labradoodle breed. This hybrid dog breed results from breeding the loyal and amiable Labrador Retriever with the intelligent and hypoallergenic Poodle. In this report, we will explore the characteristics, origin and history, recognition, and unique facts about Apricot Labradoodles.

Breed Overview

The Apricot Labradoodle has a lovely rusty color with normal frills and curls. This coat color accentuates the features of this adorable pup. It is not a breed on its own but rather one of the most desired coat colors among breeders. With a height ranging from 22 to 24 inches and a weight of 40 to 55 pounds, this breed has a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. Apricot Labradoodles are suitable for families with mild to moderate allergies, and they have an excitable, loyal, and amiable temperament.

Origin & History

Donald Campbell was the first to use the term "Labradoodle" in 1955 to describe his Poodle/Lab cross. However, it wasn't until 1989 that the breed began taking on service roles, such as being a guide or emotional support animal. Wally Conron bred these 通過 o breeds together to create a guide dog for a woman whose husband was allergic to dogs, and the Labradoodle breed has continued to be developed since then.


Labradoodles are hybrid breeds and are not recognized formally by the American Kennel Club (AKC). However, in Australia, the Labradoodle is highly regulated, and the Labradoodle breeders in Australia follow specific guidelines in terms of offspring. It is vital for breeders to ensure that each litter is properly vetted, including vaccinations, microchipping, and general care. Although the AKC has not yet standardized hybrid dogs like Labradoodles, reputable breeders charge a hefty price tag for these dogs, sometimes upwards of $2,500.

Apricot Labradoodle Characteristics

When choosing a pet, it's essential to note the dog's energy levels, trainability, health, lifespan, and sociability. The Apricot Labradoodle has high energy and requires mental and physical stimulation. They are easy to train and have few health concerns, although they are prone to hip dysplasia and other genetic issues. Additionally, they are social and friendly towards humans and other dogs.

Top 5 Unique Facts About the Apricot Labradoodle

Labradoodles, in general, have many unique facts. The following are five fun facts about the breed in general, including how they're harmonious with apricot-colored coats.
  • Labradoodles are often tasked as service dogs due to their temperament, intelligence, and trainability.
  • Red Labradoodles are the hardest to breed due to red being a recessive color in the Labradoodle gene pool.
  • There are many other coat colors outside of apricot, such as chocolate, cafe, parchment, caramel, apricot cream, raven black, light blue, and phantom.
  • Labradoodles were commonly used in the entertainment industry, as seen in the case of Fang, a Labradoodle who had a recurring role on the hit show Get Smart in 1965.
  • Labradoodles don't have differences in temperament based on coat color.

Does Apricot Labradoodle Make a Good Pet?

Labradoodles, in general, are excellent quality dogs, regardless of coat color. They are intelligent, friendly, and sociable pets that make suitable family companions or service dogs with proper training. Labradoodles generally get along very well with other pets if they are raised alongside them. However, it's essential to note that Labradoodles were originally bred for hunting, which could make them incompatible with farm animals and small pets like cats.

Editorial & Advice

When buying a Labradoodle, including the rare apricot-colored ones, it is essential to research reputable breeders and stay away from backyard breeders. Buying from responsible breeders ensures that your puppy is of high quality, and it's crucial to understand the potential health issues that might arise in this breed. Additionally, coat color does not affect temperament, so your expectations should be the same. If you're interested in an Apricot Labradoodle, prepare to be on long waiting lists to get one in some cases, since this coat color is rare and highly attractive to potential buyers.

Animal Welfare & Philosophical Discussion

When buying any pet, it's essential to ensure that the animal is coming from a quality and responsible source. Backyard breeding is often rampant in some countries, which can result in genetic health problems in dogs. Supporting reputable breeders ensures that the animal is taken care of from the breeding stage to the adoption stage. Philosophically, it's vital to note that dogs are sentient beings capable of experiencing pleasure and pain. As such, we should consider their welfare when breeding and adopting them, ensuring they lead a life free from abuse, neglect, and harm.

Final Thoughts

Apricot Labradoodles are wonderful dog breeds with attractive rusty coats that make them highly desirable to potential buyers. Although they are not recognized by formal associations like the AKC, they are highly regulated in Australia. As such, it's vital to research reputable breeders to ensure that your dog is of high quality. Whether you are seeking an Apricot Labradoodle or any other coat color, remember that dogs require our love and care. As such, we should be mindful of their welfare when adopting or breeding them.
Labrador Retriever-犬種,杏色萊布拉多獵犬,起源,歷史,圖片

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