
  • 2023/6/17 下午 10:54:14

Mastiffs and Swimming: Can They Swim?


As responsible dog owners, it is our duty to ensure that our pets receive proper care, including a balanced diet, regular grooming, training, and exercise. Given that Mastiffs have relatively low exercise requirements and can be prone to joint issues, swimming seems like an appealing option for them. However, there are questions about how well Mastiffs can swim due to their body structure and lack of natural swimming abilities.

Mastiffs' Natural Swimming Ability

Typically, Mastiffs are not natural swimmers because they were not bred to be water dogs. Moreover, their large and heavy bodies may make swimming more challenging for them. However, it is important to note that Mastiffs have strong legs and bodies, which means that they can learn to swim with proper training.

While Mastiffs may not naturally enjoy the water, they can still be trained to swim if they receive early and consistent training as puppies. It's worth mentioning that even if they are trained to swim, they may do so out of necessity rather than desire. The individual temperament and personality of each Mastiff can also play a role in their affinity for swimming.

The Swimming Ability of Mastiffs

The swimming ability of a Mastiff will depend on the amount and quality of training it has received. With adequate and consistent training from a young age, some Mastiffs can become proficient swimmers. It is crucial to understand that unlike breeds specifically bred for swimming, Mastiffs do not have the ideal body size, coat, or webbed feet that make swimming more efficient.

Despite their size and lack of natural swimming ability, teaching your Mastiff to swim can have numerous benefits. Not only does it provide them with a great form of exercise, but it can also ensure their safety in case they accidentally fall into a large body of water. Depending on the amount of time and effort you invest, your Mastiff can acquire basic swimming skills or become a strong and confident swimmer.

Tips for Teaching Your Mastiff to Swim

If you want your Mastiff to become an efficient swimmer, consider the following tips:

  1. Start training your Mastiff as early as possible, gradually introducing them to water and helping them become accustomed to it.
  2. Begin with a plastic kiddie pool, which is small, safe, and less intimidating. Allow your pup to enter the water at its own pace, offering gentle encouragement. Increase the water level over time as your Mastiff grows more confident.
  3. Use your puppy's favorite toy to create a positive association with water. Play fetch in the shallow water and gradually move to deeper areas. Join them in the water to provide reassurance and support.
  4. As the water gets deeper, support your Mastiff's body initially since they don't naturally float. Over time, reduce the level of support until your pup can swim independently. Alternatively, you can use a life vest for added safety.
  5. Ensure your Mastiff knows how to enter and exit the water by luring them with treats and using a leash for extra safety.

Water Safety Tips

When it comes to swimming, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some tips to ensure a safe swimming experience for your Mastiff:

  • Keep training sessions short to prevent your pup from becoming too tired, as exhaustion can lead to swallowing water or even drowning. Start with sessions no longer than 10 minutes and gradually increase the time as your Mastiff becomes more skilled and confident.
  • Never leave your dog unsupervised while swimming. Always closely monitor their activity in the water, as accidents can happen in a matter of seconds.
  • Take things slowly and progress at a pace that both you and your Mastiff are comfortable with. Avoid rushing your pup into deeper water until they are fully ready and confident.
  • Do not allow your Mastiff to swim if the water temperature is not ideal. If it feels too cold for you, it's too cold for your pup. Avoid potential health risks by swimming in suitable conditions.
  • Make sure your Mastiff has access to fresh water to stay hydrated after swimming, and rinse them off to remove any chlorine or saltwater residue that can irritate their skin.
  • Use dog-appropriate sunscreen to protect your Mastiff's skin from the sun's harmful rays, particularly on hot days. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to their exposed nose.
  • For added safety, consider using a life jacket when swimming in larger bodies of water, such as pools, lakes, rivers, or the ocean.


Mastiffs can indeed swim if trained properly, despite not being naturally bred for swimming. Their heavy bodies and lack of innate swimming abilities may pose some challenges, but with time, patience, and consistent training, Mastiffs can become proficient swimmers. Training should begin early in their lives to familiarize them with water, and eventually, they may come to enjoy a refreshing swim on a hot day. By following water safety guidelines, you can ensure that both you and your Mastiff have a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.

(文章內圖片來自 ElenaYakimova 與 Vitaly Titov,Shutterstock)


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