
  • 2023/8/11 下午 02:49:00

Molly Fish: Care Guide, Pictures, Tank Setup & Info

By Brooke Billingsley

Breed Overview

The Molly fish is a common species found in home aquariums. While it is often seen as a low-maintenance and hardy fish, it is important not to underestimate its charm and entertainment value. Mollies are known for their ability to bear live young and reproduce readily, which can make them appealing to some fish enthusiasts.

Key Breed Information:

  • Size: 2 – 5 inches
  • Lifespan: 3 – 5 years
  • Similar Breeds: Guppies, Endlers, Platies
  • Suitable for: Beginners
  • Temperament: Social, adaptable, mildly aggressive (males)


Molly fish are easy to care for and enjoyable to watch. They are prolific breeders, making them a great option for those who want a self-sustaining fish population. Mollies come in various varieties with interesting fins and markings, adding to their visual appeal.


Molly fish are relatively inexpensive, usually selling for around $2–$4 per fish. However, it is important to note that they are shoaling fish and need to be kept in a group of at least five individuals. Specialty Molly varieties may cost around $12–$15 per fish. Keep in mind that a full shoal of specialty Mollies can be quite costly, possibly amounting to over $60.


Mollies can be fun and interactive pets. They are similar to Guppies in that they may interact with people through the glass, especially if they expect to be fed. They are also easy to care for, making them suitable for beginners.

Mollies can coexist with most freshwater community fish. However, if you keep males and females together, be prepared for rapid reproduction. Male Mollies may become aggressive towards each other when they are interested in breeding with a female. While they may show aggression towards similar-looking tank mates of other species, such as Platies and Guppies, they are generally considered social and peaceful fish.

Care Guide & Tank Set Up

Water Quality, pH & Temperature

Mollies require high water quality to thrive. Maintaining appropriate water parameters is essential to prevent them from falling ill. Keep nitrates below 20 ppm and eliminate ammonia and nitrites altogether. Mollies prefer a neutral to slightly alkaline tank, so aim for a pH of 7.5–8.5.


Most inert substrates are suitable for Mollies, but avoid substrates that may lower the pH and lead to acidic water. Mollies generally stay near the upper half of the water column, so the substrate usually does not impact their daily life.


Most freshwater aquatic plants that can tolerate a slightly alkaline pH are suitable for a Molly's tank. Mollies are unlikely to uproot and eat live plants. Adding floating plants, especially those with dangling roots like water lettuce and red root floaters, can provide cover for Mollies and their newborn fry.


Mollies require a regular day/night lighting cycle. Provide them with around 12–16 hours of normal daylight per day. Remember that excessive light can lead to algae growth. Choose lighting strong enough to meet the needs of any live plants in the tank.


Mollies do not produce a heavy bioload, but they still require suitable filtration for their tank. If your tank is overstocked, opt for a filter rated for a larger tank size. Internal filters, hang-on-back filters, and canister filters are all acceptable forms of primary filtration for Mollies.

Things to Know When Owning a Molly

Food & Diet Requirements

Mollies are omnivorous fish that eat plant matter and small animals in the wild. Provide them with a high-quality community tank food or guppy-specific food. Additionally, offer fresh vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, and cucumber. They can also enjoy treats like bloodworms and baby brine shrimp.

Size & Growth Rate

Mollies are fast growers and usually reach their full adult size by around 6 months of age. They grow at a rate of about ½–1 inch per month until 4–6 months old. The maximum adult size for Mollies is usually around 3–5 inches.


Molly fish come in various color, size, and shape varieties. Some notable ones include:

  • Sailfin Molly
  • Balloon Molly
  • Dalmatian Molly
  • Short-Fin Molly
  • Yucatan Molly

Lifespan and Health Conditions

The lifespan of a Molly fish is relatively short, ranging from 3–5 years. It is important to take note of the following health conditions to ensure their longevity:

  • Minor Conditions: Constipation, Ich Parasites
  • Serious Conditions: Molly disease/shimmies, Gill flukes

Male vs Female

Male and female Mollies do not differ significantly in appearance. One way to distinguish them is by their fins. Males tend to have a larger dorsal fin, while females usually have a larger anal fin. Additionally, males may exhibit brighter colors and greater showiness in some varieties.

3 Little-Known Facts About Mollies

  1. Mollies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young.
  2. Molly fry are self-sufficient and do not require parental care.
  3. Mollies are primarily herbivores and have a preference for algae and plant matter.

Final Thoughts

Molly fish are excellent additions to tropical community tanks, although males may display aggression during breeding. Their various color, size, and shape varieties offer visual diversity. While they are resilient and suitable for beginners, they can become ill if exposed to poor water quality. To maintain the health of your Mollies, provide proper filtration, routine water changes, suitable temperature and pH levels, and a varied diet. Remember, keeping Mollies can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience when their care needs are met.

Featured Image Credit: Joan Carles Juarez, Shutterstock

About the Author:

Brooke Billingsley

Brooke Billingsley is a former veterinary assistant who became a human nurse in 2013. Currently living in Arkansas, she is passionate about animals and shares her home with three dogs, two cats, five fish, and two snails. Brooke enjoys gardening, yoga, and continuously expanding her knowledge through research and writing. She believes in the power of growth and learning in every aspect of life.


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